Creative Writing: Worldbuilding Magic and Technology

Whether your story is out of this world or closer to home, set your work apart by creating vibrant settings, three-dimensional characters, and rational laws for magic or futuristic technology. Join us for a weekend of creative writing and learn how to world-build like a pro! Enjoy hands-on activities to develop details and learn strategies from best-selling authors like Brandon Sanderson and Orson Scott Card. By the end of the weekend, your story will have a vibrant world in which to come to life!



No prior writing or course experience required.


Kaitlin BevisKaitlin Bevis spent her childhood curled up with a book and a pen. If the ending didn’t agree with her, she rewrote it. Because she’s always wanted to be a writer, she spent high school and college learning everything she could to achieve that goal. After graduating college with a BFA in English: Creative Writing, an MAT in English: Secondary Education, and an E.d.S in School Library Media, Kaitlin went on to write the bestselling Daughters of Zeus series. You can learn more about Kaitlin and her books at This is Kaitlin’s sixth year as a Spark Weekend Academy instructor.

Elizabeth SadlerElizabeth Sadler loves to read and write adventure novels with fantasy elements. She holds an M.A. in English Literature from George Mason University, as well as an M.F.A. in writing popular fiction from Seton Hill University and has been published in New Myths and Separate Worlds. She currently resides in Athens, Georgia, where she teaches British Literature to unsuspecting seniors. This is Elizabeth’s third year as a Spark Weekend Academy Instructor.