3D Animation

With animated movies like The Mario Bros breaking box office records and video games continuously increasing in popularity, it’s no wonder that you’d want to explore the exciting world of 3D animation! This introductory camp will give you hands-on experience with Autodesk’s Maya software, used by professional studios worldwide. Learn basic modeling and animation techniques and gain experience creating your own art, manipulating images and graphics, and creating movement. Bring a mobile storage device to save your work or receive a downloadable version after camp ends, so you can share your work with family and friends.



Edom Kassaye is a third-year graduate student at the University of Georgia where she is pursuing her MFA in Dramatic Media. Her area of interest is 3D animation. She earned her BFA in Animation and Visual Effects from Austin Peay State University. During her time there, she wrote, animated, and directed a mixed media animation short, Solomonic dynasty in a nutshell. She has also participated in recent UGA projects, including Alcestis and Gem of the Ocean.