Can my government enroll multiple employees? Do you offer group discounts?
Yes! Your government can enroll multiple employees. However, at this time no group discounts are offered.
Why should I complete Introductory Budget?
Introductory Budget meets one Level 1 course requirement for Georgia local governmental employees enrolled in the Local Government Finance Officer Certification Program. This course offers continuing professional education for accounting professionals, such as CPAs.
What do I receive when I complete Introductory Budget?
Successful graduates of Introductory Budget will receive 1.1 continuing education units (CEUs) from the University of Georgia. By completing this online course you will gain knowledge and skills that will help you understand the budget process. 11.5 CPE hours (1.1 CEUs) are awarded upon successful completion of the course. To meet CPE documentation requirements, University of Georgia CEU transcripts are available at any time upon written request. Those enrolled in the Georgia Local Government Finance Officer Certification Program will receive credit for a Level 1 required course.
How long does it take to complete Introductory Budget?
One month is allowed from the time that you register for the course. A one-month extension can be granted for a nominal fee ($50 US). You can make your one-month extension request and payment here. Please note that you will be required to register again, and then on the second page you can choose the 30-day extension option. Upon receipt of your extension request payment, 30 days will be added to your original course expiration date.
How much time will I need to devote to study?
Former students have reported spending about 11 study hours.
Can I move about the course and study the lessons in any order or must I follow the lessons in numerical order?
You must begin with lesson 1 and progress through each lesson as presented. Your successful completion of the quiz at the conclusion of each lesson will allow you to progress (and access the online assessment tools) to the next lesson. Once you have successfully completed all of the lessons, you will have access to the final online course examination.
Can I enroll/purchase the lessons separately?
To earn credit for the courses and earn your CEUs or CPEs, the course must be taken in its entirety. The lessons in Introductory Budget are not sold separately.
Where do I go to take the final examination?
The exam is a part of the online course. Once you have completed all of the lessons, you will have access to the online final exam.
How long do I have to take the final examination and what grade is considered passing?
You will have 111 minutes to complete the final examination for Introductory Budget. The 60 questions in the timed exam are selected from a test bank of exam questions and each exam is different. Once you have completed the exam, saved and submitted your answers, you will receive immediate notification of your exam grade. A passing grade of no less than 70% is required. If you do not receive a grade of 70% or higher, you can take the examination one additional time at no additional cost.
Are there previous tests available for review?
End-of-chapter quizzes are included in the online course and provide all the review necessary to successfully complete the final exam.
How long does it take to learn the results of each exam?
The examination results are graded online and you will receive immediate results.