Learn about the complexities of managing a global market research project with multiple clients and stakeholders.

As businesses increasingly compete in a global world, market researchers must be able to conduct research in different countries and cultures. Without the ability to “localize” the tools of data collection and analysis, findings may be incomparable or subject to misinterpretation due to lack of common understanding.

Different countries’ infrastructures and cultures significantly influence research designs. When doing primary data collection, sample sources may be difficult to come by or technology penetration and use may limit methodology choices. Survey questions must be localized and incentive designs adjusted. Similar limitations apply when the design calls for use of secondary data. This self-study course will introduce concepts for conducting global research to produce comparable results from different regions of the world.

Global market research presents some of the most difficult challenges that market researchers face. It requires that you bring together all of the skills and knowledge you have and apply them across countries and cultures in a single project. To be successful, you need to be both skilled and nimble. This course provides you a framework and practical tips for designing, conducting, analyzing and using multi-country market research.

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Format: Online

Hours: 8

Credits: 0.8 CEU

When: Start anytime

Cost: $329 - $359


After completing this course you should be able to:

  1. Describe the framework of internal and external environmental factors — marketing, sociocultural, governmental, legal, economic, structural, and informational — that affect global research, and explain how each may impact steps in the research process.
  2. Describe the problems and various approaches involved in the design and management of global research projects, including the coordination of fieldwork.
  3. Give examples of secondary data sources — particularly Internet resources — available for global research and factors that should be taken into account when evaluating them.
  4. Describe the application (including availability and appropriateness) of different data collection methods (telephone, in-person, online, mobile, mail survey, etc.) in global research.
  5. Describe how sample options available for online and mobile research vary globally.
  6. Explain the role qualitative research plays in global research and give examples of differences among countries when using qualitative methods globally.
  7. State special challenges of executing experimental (causal) research in a global setting.
  8. Identify problems in designing questionnaires with regard to establishing equivalence of scales and measures as related to construct, operational, scalar, and linguistic equivalence when translating (back and parallel) questions into one or more foreign languages.
  9. Demonstrate knowledge of key issues relating to global online research projects including translations, incentives, and the specific challenges of languages requiring double-byte characters.
  10. Describe the variety of issues that affect interpretation of the results of global research and identify some of the tools to deal with them.
  11. Explain the different ethical and legal issues that apply in different parts of the world and how these issues may affect research projects and outcomes.
  12. Understand the culture dimensions that affect cross cultural and global research.

Who Should Attend?

  • Entry-level researchers looking for a general understanding of global market research.
  • Mid-level staff seeking to understand the complexities of managing a global market research project with multiple clients and stakeholders.
  • Experienced researchers looking to catch up with the latest developments.
  • Corporations seeking professional development options for their internal training portfolio.
  • Suppliers-side companies seeking courses for new-employee onboarding.
  • Researchers whose job involves leading or contributing to project design.
  • Analysts seeking to understand how differences in countries and culture influences methodological choices and the potential for bias.
  • Client-side researchers responsible for all phases of the project (including writing RFPs and evaluation proposals) to ensure that it meets the needs of the organization.

Course Information

Course Number: 


Course Date Info: 
Course format: 


Course Fee(s): 

$359 - Standard Fee

$329 - Association Discount (Members* of: Insights Association; ESOMAR; Canadian Research Insights Council, The Research Society, Intellus Worldwide, QRCA, AMAI, WAPOR-Latinoamérica, MRII Board of Directors, UGA MMR Advisory Board.)

$50 - One-Month Extension (only one extension is granted per participant)

*Membership will be verified.

Prepayment is required to be registered. The prices listed are per person (US Funds). Prices are subject to change.

Nancy Kramarich – Vice President, Strategy & Research, Anderson DDB Health & Lifestyle

Nancy Kramarich In her 25-year career in market research, Nancy Kramarich has worked on all three sides of the business — in market research companies, in an advertising and communications company, and as a research buyer in the pharmaceutical industry at Pfizer — and worked globally in all three roles. Nancy’s vast experience in market research includes many types of studies in a range of categories — from a recent study with Rheumatologists and patients in Germany, Italy, Japan, Spain, Brazil, and the US to a study in Australia and Japan about Canada as a tourist destination.