This online Principles Express course will introduce you to the critical concepts common to the analysis of quantitative research data, with special attention to survey data analysis. These concepts will help analysts, buyers of research services, and those designing research. Knowing how best to look at data and derive insights is critical to ensuring that the information has a positive impact on the business.


Format: Online

Hours: 12

Credits: 1.2 CEUs

When: Start anytime

Cost: $329 - $359


After completing this course you should be able to:

  1. Describe the process of creating an analysis plan, and give examples of alternative analytic purposes (e.g., explanatory versus confirmatory).
  2. Describe the key data sources.
  3. Name and define the key data types (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio, etc.).
  4. Explain the process of matching analytic techniques to different situations and needs, and give examples.
  5. Summarize descriptive and visual approaches used to familiarize oneself with the data and to identify problems with the data.
  6. Explain how to assess the impact of missing responses, and select and apply appropriate remedies.
  7. State the reasons for and methods of statistically adjusting data; e.g., weighting, variable re-specification, and scale transformation.
  8. Assess the characteristics of the distribution of the data and explain the implications of normality, non-normality, skewness, and multimodal data.
  9. Illustrate the process for creating and testing hypotheses.
  10. Compare and contrast the differences between type I and type II errors, and their potential impact on business decisions.
  11. Describe the difference between statistical and business significance in the context of group comparisons, and explain the factors that have an impact on statistical significance.
  12. Describe the difference between association and causality, and the potential impact on business decisions and outcomes.
  13. Identify the major computer programs in current use in market research for the analysis of data.
  14. Explain how to turn findings into market research conclusions, link findings to business decisions, and create actionable recommendations.

Who Should Attend?

  • Entry-level researchers looking for a solid introduction to quantitative data analysis.
  • Mid-level staff seeking to expand their skillset.
  • Experienced researchers looking to catch up with the latest developments.
  • Corporations seeking professional development options for their internal training portfolio.
  • Suppliers seeking courses for new-employee onboarding.
  • Researchers whose job involves leading or contributing to project design.
  • Analysts needing to understand how best to analyze quantitative data, and the pitfalls to avoid.
  • Client-side researchers responsible for designing research and ensuring that the analysis leads to reliable insights.
  • People just entering the research field who want to understand this important aspect of the research process.

Course Information

Course Number: 


Course Date Info: 
Course format: 


Course Fee(s): 

$359 - Standard Fee

$329 - Association Discount (Members* of: Insights Association; ESOMAR; Canadian Research Insights Council, The Research Society, Intellus Worldwide, QRCA, AMAI, WAPOR-Latinoamérica, MRII Board of Directors, UGA MMR Advisory Board.)

$50 - One-Month Extension (only one extension is granted per participant)

*Membership will be verified.

Prepayment is required to be registered. The prices listed are per person (US Funds). Prices are subject to change.

Ray Poynter – Managing Director, The Future Place & Founder of NewMR

Ray Poynter Ray is the author of The Handbook of Mobile Market Research, The Handbook of Online and Social Media Research and the #IPASOCIALWORKS Guide to Measuring Not Counting. He is the founder of, editor of the ESOMAR book Answers to Contemporary Market Research Questions, and is the Managing Director of The Future Place, a UK-based consultancy, specializing in training.

Ray has spent the last 35 years at the intersection of innovation, technology, and Market Research, during which time Ray has held director level positions with Vision Critical, Virtual Surveys, The Research Business, Millward Brown, Sandpiper and IntelliQuest.