This intensive, 45-hour, seven-week online program is designed to train and qualify students to provide assistance to crime victims. Participants will be prepared to work in victim advocacy arenas, such as domestic violence shelters, crisis centers, crisis hotlines, and with state and county governments to assist crime victims in progressing through the criminal justice system and toward successful recovery.


Format: Online

Hours: 45

Credits: 4.5 CEUs

When: Starts bi-monthly

Cost: $995 + materials

Who Should Attend?

Individuals seeking victim advocacy training and skills necessary for a career in the legal field

Course Information

Course Date Info: 

May Session – Register Now
Monday, May 5 - Friday, June 20, 2025

View online materials weekly with specific due dates for assignments.

Course format: 


Course Fee(s): 

$995 (does not include course materials)