Unlike most owner-occupied homebuyers, real estate investors enter the market to make money. By learning about investor motivators and criteria, you’ll be in a better position to help your clients navigate this asset strategy.

Working with Real Estate Investors examines investor goals and strategies, different investment property types, key financial considerations, and your role in locating, negotiating for, and marketing investment properties.


Format: Online

Hours: 3

Credits: 0.3 CEUs

When: Start Anytime

Cost: $24

Course Highlights:

  • An overview of residential and commercial investment property types
  • Short- and long-term investment property acquisition strategies
  • Financial factors that influence investor decisions, including depreciation, 1031 tax exchanges, and cash flow
  • Financing options available to real estate investors, including conventional loans, commercial loans, and private money lenders
  • Tips for locating and marketing investment properties
  • Pros and cons of working with investor clients
  • Ethical duties when working with investor clients
  • Activities and scenarios to provide real-world context for course content